Ella & Tutu at Home | Pittsburgh Lifestyle Child Photographer

March 19, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Ella & Tutu at Home | Pittsburgh Lifestyle Child Photographer

Story by Anna Mares. Doll by Lenna McGraw. Photography by Laura Mares

Today Ella and Tutu and all their plush friends are going to have a stay-at-home fun day! First Ella must wake up Tutu and Marie from their luxurious sleep. 

First, Ella puts on Tutu’s special sparkle socks. They are ready to face the day! 

They start their day by chasing the sleepiness away with a little dance! Ella grips Tutu tight as she prepares for her twirl. 

They sprawl onto the bed with dizziness, but Ella sits up as she decides on the next activity. HEDGEHOGS! Tutu pulls out the honey hedgehog and they play with the homemade dollhouse. 

Tutu lays on the pink quilt as Ella works on her puzzle book. Tutu exhales a contented sigh. 

Ella places the final puzzle piece before turning to the next page.

Sitting up, Ella gazes at all her completed puzzles and is very proud. She contemplates on the next activity while setting Tutu on her lap. They sit together in the morning sunshine that gleams through the window.

All the sudden, Tutu shoots out of bed, and dives into the cozy, furry tepee. Ella follows, and her eye catches the glimmer of the glittery star that hangs above their hide out. Tutu cheers her on as the stands on her tip toes to run her hand across the sequins. 

After the sensation, she giggles with delight!

Ella lays down with Tutu and they share some secrets, as the scratchy wool tickles their tummies.

They lay and think for a while, tired from all they have done. Ella kicks her purple and white striped socks in the air, while studying closely one of her toys.

Tutu’s tummy growls, and they know its tea time! Ella sets up the table for Tutu and takes her order.

She’s in the mood for a herbal blend.

Ella sits down and pours the tea. They pretend they are in London, having tea with the Queen.

Ella feeds Tutu her tea, and she loves it! Tutu complements Ella on her hostess manners.

Sadly, tea time comes to and end and Ella must start to clean up, starting with Tutu’s socks.

Tutu begs Ella to put her sock back on, because she doesn't want her feet to get cold! Ella then tucks Tutu and Marie back to bed, so they can rest for another day of fun! 

Laura Mares is an experienced photographer specializing in capturing timeless family keepsakes. Laura works on location and in her fully equipped home studio, located in Mt. Lebanon, eight miles south of Pittsburgh, PA. Laura’s style is creative, natural, and timeless. Would you like beautiful portraits of your newborn baby, to update your child and family portraits or to document a milestone in your life such as a wedding, graduation, birthday or reunion? If you are interested in high quality, timeless photographs, book your session today, call (412) 654-3367 or email [email protected]. To view a wide range of gorgeous portraits and to get great tips, advice and beautiful inspiration follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


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