First Birthday Interview | Pittsburgh Baby Photographer
We've lived in Pittsburgh since 2014, and prior to that we lived in central PA.
He was 22 inches and 7lb, 12oz. at birth.
Today he is 30 inches and about 24 pounds.
When he is sitting in the bowl looking down.
He can walk, chatter, and give lots of hugs and kisses!
He has eight teeth (soon to be 9!)
He says mama, dada, hey, and he makes car/truck/tractor sounds.
He likes books with noises and books with trucks and construction vehicles.
He likes guacamole, berries and broccoli.
His loves his fire truck toy and puzzles best.
He likes exploring outside,
He laughs at funny faces and when we try to chase him.
We had our immediate families (grandparents, aunt/uncle and cousins) get together for a Little Blue Truck themed party. Everyone really enjoyed watching Theodore get into smashing his cake!
We did a Google search, great photos!
When he is sitting in the bowl looking down.
All of his outfits and the banner are from Etsy. The corduroy fox and blanket are from Land of Nod. The balloons and poufs are from Amazon. The cake is from Whole Foods Market.
Laura Mares is an experienced photographer specializing in capturing timeless family keepsakes. Laura works on location and in her fully equipped home studio, located in Mt. Lebanon, eight miles south of Pittsburgh, PA. Laura’s style is creative, natural, and timeless. Would you like beautiful portraits of your newborn baby, to update your child and family portraits or to document a milestone in your life such as a wedding, graduation, birthday or reunion? If you are interested in high quality, timeless photographs, book your session today. To view a wide range of gorgeous portraits and to get great tips, advice and beautiful inspiration follow along on Instagram and Facebook.
1st birthday photo session,
cake smash,
laura mares photography,
pittsburgh child photographer,
pittsburgh family photographer,
pittsburgh photographer,
real pittsburgh family
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