Our Bohemian Fairytale Vacation | Laura Mares Photography

February 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I couldn't agree more... "Attention... It's a true Bohemian fairytale!" The Czech Rebuplic is absolutely beautiful and is what I picture in my mind when I think of a fairytale land.

During our layover in Helsinki we "met" MOOMAN! He's such a cute cartoon character!

Enjoying quality time with Babi and Deda in Olomouc.

We met Pavel's sister and family at the new mall in Olomouc to celebrate a 10th birthday. The mall is on a man-made rock island in the River Moravia. We're standing on a bridge, which is a pedestrian entrance that connects the mall to a park.

Enjoying cake one of two!

After lunch we met up with more family to enjoy a second cake. Babi made this beautiful, lactose-free cake. This brought back memories of when I cut a similar cake at our wedding reception. Wish we could enjoy Czech cakes in Pittsburgh.

While Pavel was visiting with a missionary friend, we got to shop! We felt like we stepped back in time when we found this gem of a general store. I love that one can find old treasures near super modern centers!

The kids in front of the beautiful town hall "Radnice." This is where we were married 11 years ago...

The beginning of our trip to Prague. We took the tram to the train station and the train to Prague. It was an enjoyable 2 1/2 hour trip on the fast train "LEO." 

Our "usie" in a park next to the Charle's Bridge.

I'm thrilled to have a budding photographer in the family. She accompanies me on shoots and is a wonderful assistant!

One of the highlights of our trip was meeting our good friends from Germany. We met in Pittsburgh, when I was teaching English and quicklybecame friends. I hope we'll get to meet again soon.

An enjoyable Czech breakfast at Pavel's brother's home... Fresh bread, homemade coffee cake, homemade jelly from the garden = DELICIOUS! 

This is a 1,000 year old tree. When anything is 1,000 years old it is bound to have some interesting stories... A Czech Prince met his princess here, but when they first met she wasn't a princess but a peasant... A cinderella story!

My sister-in-law let us chose souvenirs from this pottery studio... the kids picked three blue and white mugs of different sizes (they remind me of what the three bears would have drunk from) and I chose an advent bowl and fondue pot. 

Corn is so unpopular here that rather than paying for "animal food" it can just be picked from the side of the road!

5D movies are popping up all over the Czech Republic. We got to see a couple short films... Portal, Road Hogs, and a third one... What a blast!

Shots from our paddle boat adventure on the Vltava. I love spending time in Prague. It's my favorite city in Europe.

When Pavel and I lived in Prague and were dating we often took long walks through Old Town and ended up at picturesque cafes near the Charles Bridge. It was fun to experience this again, but have three kids along with us.

After a quick photo shoot with Evi, she took us on horse back rides near Lostice.

Saying "ahoj" to Babi at the train station and beginning our long trip back to the USA.

I love sleek european designs. This high chair has to be the coolest I've ever seen... wish it could have fit in my suitcase!

My super sweet husband carrying my luggage so I could take a few more shots.

Laura Mares is an experienced photographer specializing in capturing timeless family keepsakes. Laura works on location and in her fully equipped home studio, located in Mt. Lebanon, eight miles south of Pittsburgh, PA. Laura’s style is creative, natural, and timeless. Would you like your newborn baby photographed, updated child and family portraits or to document a milestone in your life such as a wedding, graduation, birthday or reunion? If you are interested in high quality, timeless photographs, book your session today, call (412) 654-3367 or email [email protected]. To view a wide range of gorgeous portraits and to get great tips, advice and beautiful inspiration follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


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