Ella & Tutu: Finding a New Outfit for Tutu | Pittsburgh Newborn and Family PhotographerElla & Tutu: Finding a New Outfit for Tutu Today, Ella and Tutu are on the look out for fabrics. Mommy will then use them to sew a new dress or two for Tutu. The girl's eyes are dancing with excitement as they gaze at the many choices.
Ella squints at her doll and imagines what fabric will match her skin tone and bring out her sky blue eyes. When she has an idea, they both set out to discover the perfect fabric.
Tutu first skims over the old scraps and finds a very sparkly one!
When they agree on two fabrics, they begin to scout for any possible bells and whistles.
Both of the enchanted girls love the colorful ribbon, and run their hands over some of the gorgeous ones.
They also admire the interesting buttons. Ella can’t believe that there are so many!
As the kind lady cuts the material, Tutu is shy so Ella protects her.
Lastly, they smile goodbye with their shopping bag swinging beneath them. They skip hand in hand to go home.
If you know of a girl that would like her very own rag doll, let me know and I'll get you in touch with the seamstress. Pittsburgh Photographer| Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer | Pittsburgh Family Photographer Laura Mares is an experienced photographer specializing in capturing timeless family keepsakes. Laura works on location and in her fully equipped home studio, located in Mt. Lebanon, eight miles south of Pittsburgh, PA. Laura’s style is creative, natural, and timeless. Would you like beautiful portraits of your newborn baby, to update your child and family portraits or to document a milestone in your life such as a wedding, graduation, birthday or reunion? If you are interested in high quality, timeless photographs, book your session today, call (412) 654-3367 or email [email protected]. To view a wide range of gorgeous portraits and to get great tips, advice and beautiful inspiration follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Ella & Tutu,
Laura Mares Photography,
Pittsburgh Child Photographer,
Pittsburgh Family Photographer,
Pittsburgh Lifestyle Photographer,
Pittsburgh Photographer
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